RADA#3 PS#4 Phase Card

Phase C bad. Found several bad components on card replaced bad components. Will try card agasin 7/12

The 503T That was on teh shelf looks bad. It ke[pt blowing up cards. I had Sam gtrasp the 503T from RADA#3. I have made a LabWindows dricver so we can talkm to unit and order3ed from Mouser load resistors. The oorigional Pase C card still has an issue in the low power section causing the output power transistors to be on when they shouold niot and causing them to short. 7/31

Hobart Repair

Will need to remove lockout to popwer up generator and test phase

Removed Lockout. Found Oyutput COntractors are mot closed so even though power is generated iyt’s not seen at output. Need to add two switches to close and open contactrors.

Sam installed swithes to enable the output contactors to close. I need to send an email to the vedndor. The Terminal Board used for the output control has some undocumented jumpers installed. Hopefully the vendor has a idea of what they are for, 7/31

IRIS Physical To Virtural (P2V)

  • Need to investigate fesibility of virtuyralising IRIS XP machines
  • I have thE VMware converter software ready and need to try it
  • I have tghe VMWare workstation software avaliable iof we get a good P2V image

K282 Printer

  • We have TUA to power on on IRIS
  • May look to make full RTA TPS in future.

CPC 21933: Cabin Pressure Controler

  • Need to Make VTB for Iris2000. Based on Ojmega Engineering TPS. Sam is begining top make VTB
  • input discretes are done. need to add 429 and power functions


  • unable to run as UASER:rada. Can run as baruch not sure why looks like a permission issue

FSEU: Flap/Slat Electronic Unit

  • Fuse caps in. Caps didn’t fit had to change whole fuse holder body
  • Need top make silkscreen for front TUA panel
  • Worked through numerous TUA selftest issues
  • F5 now keeps blowiong. His is for the fixed 28vdc supply PS14. will change the TPS selftest sequence Monday to tery to find why it keeps blowing
  • Need to update TPS

The TPSm is for the -63. TUA selftest is good. Need to get back to to this

-53 LRU:n looked at6 viability of usingt same TUA for -63 and -53. Found some minopr pin differences. Maty be able to mod existing TUA to also support -53.